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Events organised or co-organised by FSHS can be found here. We will add information for attending and registering for the event closer to their dates.

Upcoming events in 2024

Monthly health info webinar: depression

On Tuesday 5 November 2024 12–12.45 pm, event in Finnish.
Experts: psychologists Priska Autioniemi and Helen Fagerholm

Better together – have a say in teaching and supervision
Study ability day 2024 webinar

On Thursday 14 November 2024 2–3 pm. Event in Finnish.

Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden hyvinvointi muuttuvassa maailmassa – National networking day

Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden hyvinvointi muuttuvassa maailmassa – national networking day will be organized on Monday 25 November 2024. Event in Finnish.

More detailed information on THL’s website: Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden hyvinvointi muuttuvassa maailmassa – valtakunnallinen verkostopäivä 25.11.2024 (

Monthly health info webinar: nutrition

On Tuesday 10 December 2024 12–12.45 pm, event in Finnish.
The expert will be confirmed later.

(Information about the events will be updated as needed.)

Monthly health info webinar in Finnish, theme: sexually transmitted diseases
25 January 2024, 12 to 12.45 am

The National Xylitol Week will be visible in our digital channels and on certain campuses and service units 5 to 11 February 2024.

Monthly health info webinar in Finnish, theme: wisdom teeth
8 February 2024, 12 to 12.45 am

Monthly health info webinar in Finnish, theme: back pain
14 March 2024, 12 to 12.45 am

FSHS Day, theme: sleep
21 March 2024
Event in Finnish.

Social accessibility in student life
Programme for student’s mental health week
Webinar 11 April 2024 2 to 3 am
Event in Finnish

Monthly health info webinar in Finnish, theme: alertness
25 April 2024, 12 to 12.45 am

Monthly health info webinar in Finnish, theme: relationship with food
30 May 2024, 12 to 12.45 am.

Monthly health info webinar in Finnish: neck pain
On Tuesday 17 September 2024 12–12.45 pm

Small Changes for Good Health – student well-being week

Small Changes for Good Health – student well-being week begins on Monday 30 September 2024 and continues until Friday 4 October 2024. This year, the theme of the week is Sexuality in the daily life of students.

Wednesday, 2 October 2 2024 12:00 p.m. webinar in English “Contraception and preventing pregnancy: different options, and the benefits and harms of hormonal contraception, myths related to pregnancy prevention”. Separate events in Finnish and English with the same content take place at 12 pm. You can find more information and the registration link here.

Koko Suomi harjaa (“The whole of Finland is brushing”)

A theme week promoting oral health can be seen on our digital channels from 7 October to 13 October 2024.

Monthly health info webinar: self-care in oral health

On Tuesday 8 October 2024 12–12.45 pm, event in Finnish.
Experts: dentist Henna Salmio and dental hygienist Pia Manninen

Students dressed in overalls walk with apples in their hands in a sunny city.