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FSHS's phone service for general and mental health is currently congested, causing delays in the call back service. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

You can use FSHS services if you are studying for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree and you have registered as present for the current semester at your institution of higher education. please note that the information regarding your enrollment will be transferred to FSHS from higher education institutions with a delay of approximately 1–3 days.

The right to use our services is valid according to the semesters.

  • Spring semester from 1 January to 31 July
  • Autumn semester from 1 August to 31 December

Please note that new students’ access to services starts at the earliest on 1 August in the fall semester and on 1 January in the spring semester. The right to use FSHS services is valid until the end of the semester when you graduate.

Those entitled to use FSHS services:

  • University students (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree),
  • Students at universities of applied sciences (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree),
  • Police University College students (Bachelor’s degree) and
  • Civilian students at the National Defence University.

Those not entitled to use FSHS services:

  • Students at open universities of applied sciences,
  • Students at open universities,
  • Students at Högskolan på Åland,
  • Postgraduate students (e.g. licentiate and doctoral students),
  • Students at the National Defence University studying to become an officer,
  • Students studying on other than degree courses in higher education (e.g. complementary training, specialization studies or separate study modules),
  • Commissioned education students,
  • Police University College students (Master’s degree),
  • International exchange students not completing a degree in Finland

Remote appointments are not available if a student is abroad on a student exchange or internship

  • Due to the act on patient insurance, we cannot conduct remote appointments if a student is abroad on a student exchange or internship.

Eligible for social security in another country?

If a student is eligible for social security in an EU or ETA country, Switzerland, Great Britain or Northern Ireland, they must provide a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) to FSHS when accessing our services. These students are also exempt from paying the annual studen healthcare fee. Read more on our EHIC Card site.