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FSHS's phone service for general and mental health is currently congested, causing delays in the call back service. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Reschedule or cancel your appointment at least 24 hours before the time of the appointment

If you can’t make it to your appointment, remember to reschedule or cancel it well in advance. This way we can offer the appointment to another student.

If you miss your appointment or cancel it too late without an acceptable reason, you’ll be charged a fee for the unattended appointment. We do not charge the fee if you reschedule or cancel your appointment at least 24 hours before the time of the original appointment. The fee for unattended appointments concerns all appointments and examinations both FSHS´s own service units and partner service units. This also applies for example to remote appointments, laboratory visits and vaccination visits.. For more information, visit the Charges and invoicing page.

Please note that you must come to a booked appointment, even if you do not receive a separate reminder message beforehand.

Instructions for rescheduling and canceling an appointment at your FSHS´s own service unit

If your appointment is at an FSHS service unit, you can reschedule or cancel it in the online service Self or call our nationwide phone service. If you reschedule your appointment, you won’t lose your booking permission. Please note that you won’t receive a reminder SMS about appointments that have been rescheduled. If you no longer need the appointment for whatever reason, you can cancel it altogether. Remember that if you cancel your appointment, you’ll lose your booking permission.

The Self online service can only be used in Finland and Sweden.

Instructions for rescheduling and canceling an appointment at a partner service unit

If your appointment is at a partner service unit, follow the service provider’s instructions on how to reschedule or cancel it.

Cancel your appointment if your right to use FSHS services has ended

Semester after graduation

Please note that your right to use FSHS services ends at the end of the academic term during which you graduated. If you were booked for an appointment scheduled for the semester following your graduation, you’re responsible for cancelling the appointment.

Appointments are not canceled automatically. You must manage the cancellation yourself if you want to avoid paying a fee for unattended appointments.

Other situations where you have not registered to be present for the semester

You must also cancel your appointment unprompted in other cases where you were booked for one, but will not be registered at your higher education institution for the semester during which the appointment was scheduled to take place.

The appointments are not canceled automatically, and you must manage the cancellation yourself if you want to avoid paying a fee for unattended appointments.