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FSHS's phone service for general and mental health is currently congested, causing delays in the call back service. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you are dissatisfied with the treatment you have received or the way you were treated at FSHS, you have the legal right to submit an objection on the matter. Consider submitting an objection if raising the issue at the treatment unit has not resolved it. Submit the objection in writing using the FSHS’s objection form below. Your objection is forwarded to the FSHS medical director (matters related to general or mental healthcare) or the medical director of dentistry (matters related to oral healthcare). The patient ombudsperson of your own welfare area will help you in submitting the objection if necessary.

If you want to attach documents containing confidential information to the objection, please send them in a secure way. The FSHS offers a secure mail service for sending sensitive documents. You can use the secure mail service when you first send a request to hallinto(at)

If you cannot submit an electronic objection, you can also mail your objection to the following address:

Ylioppilaiden terveydenhoitosäätiö
Medical Director/Medical Director of Dentistry
Töölönkatu 37 A
00260 Helsinki

If you mail the objection, you must sign the document. The document must also include all the same information that is requested in the electronic form.

Personal information

You will receive a written reply to your objection. The reply describes how your objection has been investigated by the FSHS and what action has been taken.

The form is submitted via the and you wil also receive the foundation’s written reply there. In order to receive replies in from organisations, you must choose the setting that allows receiving messages in the service.