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The FSHS services are set out in the Act on healthcare for students in higher education and in the Guide on Student Healthcare published by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The guide specifies, among other things, the content of health and medical services.

The FSHS responsibility areas are:

  • to provide students with health and medical care services
  • to promote students’ health and ability to study, and
  • to promote the well-being of the study environment and student community.

The FSHS services are provided nationwide in a uniform manner. In other words, you can access the same high-quality services irrespective of your place of study in Finland.

The tables below summarise which services are and are not provided by student healthcare. These tables contain basic information about FSHS services.

Services provided by student healthcare

Modes of operationKey services

1. Study environment and study community activities

  • Regular collaboration with interest groups, particularly with educational institutions and student associations
  • Expert services
  • Health-promoting communications
  • Study environment inspections every 3 years and yearly monitoring

2. Healthcare services Individual monitoring and promotion of health and welfare and ability to study

  • Individual and group-based health guidance
  • Periodic health check-ups: 1) public health nurse and general practitioner, 2) oral health examination and treatment plan
  • Preventive oral health measures
  • Prevention of infectious diseases: health check-ups, vaccinations (national vaccination programme)
  • Family planning
  • Study-related health examinations, certificates and statements required by the Infectious Diseases Act and other legislation
  • Travel health advice, including student exchange (students purchase the required vaccines themselves, although they can be given as part of student healthcare)
  • Basic psychological examinations

3. Medical care services Primary medical care and oral health services

  • Assessing the need for treatment
  • Non-urgent treatment, including treatment to be given within 1 to 7 days
  • Treatment requiring a medical specialist (psychiatrist) or dental specialist if the patient does not qualify for specialized care
  • Laboratory and imaging services in primary care related to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
  • Physiotherapy
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Speech therapy specific to field of study (initial investigation of voice disorders for those studying for a profession requiring verbal communication)

Services not provided by student healthcare

Emergency clinic services, i.e. urgent medical care as stated in section 50 of the Health Care Act

Special examinations related to the diagnosis of diseases

  • Treatment needs must be identified and the patient referred for further examinations and treatment
  • E.g. ENMG, Holter test, stress ergometry, polysomnography, endoscopic examinations via body orifices, MRI, CT (excluding oral health)

Follow-up visits and examinations requested by specialized care for patients with chronic conditions in cases where responsibility for the patient’s treatment lies with specialized care

  • E.g. epilepsy, rheumatoid conditions, long-term monitoring of cancer, psychotic disorders

Equipment needed for treatment of chronic conditions (as stated in section 24 of the Health Care Act)

Medical rehabilitation and assistive device services (as stated in section 29 of the Health Care Act)

Certificates not related to treatment or studies

  • E.g. certificates for driver’s licences, medical certificates required for firearm licences, certificates for student exchange

Laboratory and imaging examinations not related to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or duties required by law

  • E.g. examinations for those about to start a student exchange, and work placement-related examinations not required by law (such as salmonella certificate for work not covered by section 56 of the Infectious Diseases Act)

Coordinating individual and community psychosocial support in acute traumatic situations

Rehabilitation services in conditions caused by intoxicants

Withdrawal therapy and substitution therapy among opioid-dependent patients

Maternity clinic services

  • Maternity clinic services should be arranged in the student’s study town. Municipalities can be invoiced for these services.

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