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Assessment of unsuitability for study
(includes the examinations performed by a doctor and a public health nurse)
Assessment appointment
Student health meeting
Examination preparations and planning
Examination appointment
Examination appointment / reviewing examination findings with the patient
Producing a statement
397,00 €

Assessment of unsuitability for study, extensive
(also includes examinations performed by a psychiatrist, and the consultation responses)
Assessment appointment
Student health meeting
Examination preparations and planning x 2
Examination appointment x 3
Producing a consultation response
Examination appointment / reviewing examination findings with the patient
Producing a statement
744,00 €

Assessment of unsuitability for study, very extensive
(also includes examinations performed by a psychiatrist and a psychologist, and the consultation responses)
Assessment appointment
Student health meeting
Examination preparations and planning x 3
Examination appointment x 5
Writing a consultation response x 2
Examination appointment / reviewing examination findings with the patient
Producing a statement
932,00 €

SORA drug testing
Intoxication assessment, referral for drug testing
Examination appointment and certificate
Extensive blood test for detecting drugs and medicinal agents (B-HuumL-O, 9931)
Extensive urine test for detecting drugs and medicinal agents (U-HuumL-O, 9930)
274,00 €