The groups for the spring semester 2025 have been published on our website – Welcome to English speaking groups!
In our groups you can get support for your health and life management.
In our groups you can get support for your health and life management.
All our own service units, SelfChat and nationwide telephone services will be closed on Independence Day, Friday 6 Dec.
Next year, the student-specific healthcare fee will be EUR 71.20 per academic year, or EUR 35.60 per term.
Positive changes have taken place in the lifestyles of higher education students over the past three years.
We updated an article in Health information resource pages, where you can read how you can try to alleviate symptoms caused by the darkness.
“Students frequently mention feeling ashamed by their declined productivity. However, it’s natural for mental or physical strain to affect your ability to study,” says Katri Muranen, a psychiatric nurse for the FSHS.
The results are from the Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (KOTT) conducted last spring.
We must have your up-to-date contact information, for example, in the situation when you want to leave us a contact request using the Self online service form.
October 16th is World Spine Day. Check out tips by a physiotherapist on managing back health.
The psychological distress of higher education students has decreased over the past three years, especially among women. The results are based on the Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (KOTT).