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Tips for overcoming social media addiction

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been posting various tips on social media to overcome social media addiction. We have now collected all our tips here below.

Opt out of notifications from social media in your phone

Notifications constantly popping up on your screen disturb your concentration and make you feel you must be available all the time. Try turning off all non-essential notifications to see how that makes you feel.

Check how much time you spend on social media

Many smartphones allow you to check your screen time. See how much time you actually spend on social media channels. Surprised?

Create social media-free areas

Decide not to spend your time on social media when in bed or in your bedroom. Spending time on your smartphone just before going to bed may affect your quality of sleep.

Leave your phone at home

Try leaving your phone at home when you go out. Or how about leaving it in another room while studying?

Choose dark theme in your device’s settings

Dark theme may reduce the stress on your eyes due to exposure to bright light on the screen.

Dark theme also reduces the amount of blue light from the screen. Blue light may disturb your sleep pattern and cause your eyes to get tired.

Think of things you could do instead of spending time on social media.

You could, for example, spend your time getting some fresh air, hanging out with friends or cooking your favourite meals.

We will talk more about the subject on Thursday 20 March 2025 at 2pm on the FSHS day, when we will organize a webinar called Somekoukussa? via Teams. The webinar is organized in Finnish.

Read more about the webinar here in Finnish.