The FSHS has reached the big seven-oh. 30 October 2024 marks 70 years since the FSHS was founded and 90 years since tuberculosis checks for students began in Finland.
The FSHS’s story can be considered to have begun when the responsibility for the financial management of the university students’ healthcare office was transferred from the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) to the Student Health Service in 1954. By then, the healthcare office had started to provide appointments and various medical services. Some office staff were also recruited at this time. SYL expanded the healthcare office operations from Helsinki into the whole country. The charter for the Finnish Student Health Service was signed on 13 February 1954.
The FSHS published a history titled “YTHS – edelläkävijä” (‘The FSHS – a pioneer’) in 2022 telling its entire story (in Finnish).
You can also review a list of FSHS history milestones on the FSHS website (in Finnish).
Celebrations for the anniversary year will begin on the FSHS Day on 21 March 2024. Due to its name, the FSHS Day, already a tradition, is the perfect time to begin celebrating the anniversary year.
Promoting the health of students in higher education has always been the FSHS’s key task. We address a range of health topics in our webinars and campaigns. In honor of FSHS´s 70th anniversary we will also publish 70 health tips on our website during this year. The first ten tips are about the topic of sleep and can already be read on our website.
The anniversary year will have a visible presence in FSHS events and communications throughout the year:
- Anniversary-year stands at FSHS service units around the FSHS Day
- Campus events in FSHS locations during May Day week in April
- Campus events in FSHS locations during the wellbeing week in October
- Campus events in FSHS locations for the day of the ability to study in October