The “Kyykyllä opiskelukykyä” project (‘Squats for the ability to study’) has been chosen as the key project of 2021 in study community work. The FSHS and students from the LAB University of Applied Sciences in Lahti and Lappeenranta together produced six videos to motivate people to exercise. The videos are linked to the FSHS health promotion theme for 2021–2022, which is exercise.
The key project and an honorary mention were announced during the FSHS Day webinar on 23 March 2022. One of the main reasons for choosing the key project was that the video material produced was widely applicable. With students producing videos for other students, the project also admirably incorporated community spirit. The videos can be watched in YouTube (in Finnish).
The honorary mention was awarded to the “Löydä liikuntakaveri” (‘Find a workout buddy’) project in Kuopio. Their idea was to use the Discord app to set up a place where students could find people to exercise with and where service providers could share information about fitness and exercise events. As the project was carried out together with local university sports services and SAVOTTA, the student union of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences, it succeeded in engaging the student community. The idea can also be easily applied in new locations and student communities elsewhere.
FSHS project grants for community health promotion are awarded each year to projects carried out by FSHS staff in collaboration with stakeholders with the aim of improving study community work, creating new initiatives, improving existing activities and establishing trial initiatives found beneficial as part of established practice.
The key project and the honorary mention were selected by the national study community work team.

Squat School Video Clips
You can see the Squat School made by the FSHS and LAB students by clicking this link.