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Students’ mental health week 7–14 April 2022: Highlighting compassion to support students’ coping and communality

The annual Students’ Mental Health Day will be held on 13 April, and there will be campaigning in social media around it for a week during 7 – 14 April 2022. This year’s campaign highlights the importance of compassion in coping and communality.

The goal of the annual campaign is to provoke conversations about students’ mental health and to invite everyone to support the cause of mental well-being. Working behind the scenes of the campaign is the Student Wellbeing Network (website in Finnish: coordinated by Nyyti.

The Students’ Mental Health Day campaign aims to increase students’ well-being and create sense of belonging through compassion. The campaign highlights the strength of compassion and encourages people to share their experiences and organize their own compassion-related events and activities.

The campaign is intended for everyone studying in universities, colleges and upper secondary education, professionals working with students, and all others interested in the theme. In other words, the campaign is for everyone!

Participate in the campaign

The network for student well-being invites you and your organization to participate in the campaign and to work together in promoting the well-being of students.

You can participate in the campaign by organizing compassion-themed events and activities for students during the campaign week 7–14 April, by participating in the campaign’s #GoodEnough social media challenge, by communicating about the theme of compassion on your own channels and by encouraging students to share their own content related to the campaign theme. Now is a good time to start planning your own campaign activities for April!

A wide range of content related to the campaign theme will be shared on the campaign page and on the social media of Nyyti. The campaign page has plenty of content, including information about the campaign theme and the social media challenge, tips for planning events and activities and a material bank. You can also report your campaign activities in advance through the campaign page. Be sure to bookmark the campaign page. The page is being updated actively along the way.

The FSHS participates in the campaign!

As part of the students’ mental health week the FSHS and Nyyti organizes a joint webinar on the 7th of April 2022 about on how to return back to studies through support and self-compassion. Remain tuned the program and registration will be published soon.

#AivanHyvä #HeltBra #GoodEnough
#OpiskelijoidenMielenterveyspäivä #Mielenterveys