To complement regular dental appointments, the FSHS is to introduce the Flexible model where, instead of an exact appointment time, students will be given a one-hour window for the start of their appointment. The exact start time will be confirmed by an SMS about half an hour beforehand.
The duration of the appointment is also flexible, as several different procedures may be carried out during the same appointment. The aim is to take care of students’ oral health during as few appointments as possible.
The ongoing piloting of the Flexible model began at the service unit in Töölö, Helsinki, in March 2020, alongside regular dental appointments. Based on the experience gained, the new model will also be introduced in Jyväskylä, Oulu and Turku this spring (2022), and in Tampere after the summer.
More procedures during one appointment
The required procedures and their duration will be determined at the appointment. To take an example, during one appointment, the dentist may fill a cavity and the oral hygienist may remove dental calculus or go through self-care instructions. If you need extensive treatment, you may be booked new appointments.
The Flexible model is designed to make oral healthcare services smoother and more accessible for students, as fewer appointments will be needed. To achieve this, students should be prepared for the appointment to last longer than with regular appointments.
The Flexible model is particularly suitable for students who don’t live near the service unit or who don’t need extensive treatment.
How the Flexible model works
Key points:
- Instead of an exact appointment time, you’ll be given a time window (e.g. from 9 am to 10 am) for the start of your appointment.
- You’ll receive an SMS to your mobile number about half an hour before the appointment, giving you the exact start time (e.g. 9:45 am).
- The aim is to carry out several procedures during the same appointment; this way there should be fewer new appointments.
- Your mouth and teeth will be examined first to determine the required procedures and their duration.
- The required procedures and their duration will be determined at the start of the appointment.
- If you need more extensive treatment, you may be booked a new appointment.
The Flexible model may be suitable for you if
- you can easily arrive for the appointment within an hour
- you can remain at the appointment longer if necessary
- you can be contacted via an SMS.
Appointment booking
Book a Flexible appointment via the appointment booking link: Booking an appointment – FSHS
When you book an appointment, you’ll receive a confirmation message. You’ll also receive a reminder 24 hours before the start of the time window.
Please complete a medical history form in Self before arriving for your appointment.
Cancelling or rescheduling your appointment
Your Flexible appointments will also appear in Self (please note that those for the service unit in Töölö will not appear in Self until after 21 March 2022).
If you cannot make it to your appointment, remember to reschedule or cancel it in Self well in advance. If you miss your appointment or do not cancel it in time, you will be charged the fee for a missed appointment. For more information: Booking an appointment – FSHS
The Flexible model is introduced during this year (2022) at these service units
Töölö, Jyväskylä, Oulu, Turku, Tampere

Updated: 10th of May 2022