FSHS services are available to you when you have registered to be present for the autumn semester, which starts on 1.8.2021. Read more about the right to use FSHS services>
Attendance information is transmitted to FSHS on the working day following the registration. Please note that the use of the Self-service and, for example, arrival at a remote reception also requires that you have registered to be present and that the information about it has been transferred to FSHS. Please try Self-login before the remote reception. If you are unable to log in, please contact us by phone to assess your need for care so that your time can be rescheduled.
Update your contact details at Self
Make sure that your contact details are up to date, as they are not automatically updated via the Population Register Centre or other organisations. By holding your contact details updated you will make it smoother to take care of things with us.
The national service numbers for assessing your need for treatment
- general and mental health services, 046 710 1073 and
- oral health services, 046 710 1085.