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FSHS's phone service is currently experiencing a delay in the call back service. We will respond to your call back request as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the disruption.

Temporary disturbances in service activities due to renovations in our service units

Treatment rooms and other consultation rooms are being renovated at all current FSHS premises. Planning of premises and renovations has continued all year, and the first renovation projects have already begun. The most extensive renovations at current service units will be carried out in Töölö, Hervanta, Turku, Vaasa and Kuopio.

There are almost 20 premises to be renovated, and work will progress according to slightly different schedules. Renovations during early fall might cause temporary disturbances in the service functions. Possible changes in services will be communicated through each service unit’s own website.

The law on student health care for students of higher education will enter into force from the 1st of January 2021. In practical terms this means that from the beginning of 2021 FSHS will be responsible of the primary health care services of university students as well as students of universities of applied sciences.

The new law will mean many changes for both service providers and customers. For us at the FSHS, this means a growing number of customers and employees, new service units and an even broader service network, as well as new ways to produce services. Our customers will see these changes in the form of new service channels and a wider range of remote and digital services.