The two cornerstones of the new FSHS service model – the specially appointed team model and digital and remote services – will be piloted starting from 1 October. Piloting will continue until the end of the year.
FSHS’s service model
The FSHS is currently constructing a new service model. The model will become fully operational on 1 January 2021 when students of universities of applied sciences will come within the scope of FSHS services. Our service model is based on two cornerstones: specially appointed teams, which will provide services for students and educational institutions locally, and digital and remote student services, which will be provided nationwide. The goal of the new FSHS service model is to provide accessible and equal services catering for students’ needs.
Some parts and working procedures of the service model will be piloted between 1 October 2020 and 31 December 2020 to ensure that the nationwide transition to the new service model goes as smoothly as possible.
Pilots for digital and remote services and the specially appointed team model
Digital and remote services form an extensive service package which, starting from 1 January 2021, will include several service functions. The functions included in the pilot starting at the beginning of October are assessment of the need for treatment and the services of digital doctors in Self at a Digital Clinic.
In the pilot, assessment of the need for treatment and service guidance will become nationwide comprising two service lines: oral healthcare services and other services. This is a long-awaited improvement for students, as individual service unit telephone numbers and appointment booking will be replaced by two telephone numbers and a nationwide service.
During the pilot, oral health appointments will still be booked as before, while other appointments can be booked with digital doctors. You may also be referred for treatment given by a specially appointed team where pilot teams have already been introduced.
The pilot for the team model includes 6 pilot teams in Töölö, Lappeenranta, Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä and Oulu-Kokkola. Each team comprises a GP, public health nurse, psychiatric nurse or public health nurse and physiotherapist. Each team will provide local services for its appointed university and its students, which are not provided under nationwide digital and remote services. In addition to health care and medical care, the specially appointed teams will carry out preventive and health promotion work.
Service model operational from 1 January 2021
The service model will become fully operational at the beginning of 2021. From that date, a total of 27 specially appointed teams will start their work and digital and remote services will be introduced in full. In addition to assessment of the need for treatment, service guidance and digital doctors, they will include, for instance, remote services for sexual health, remote consultation services covering travel health and oral health, dermatologist consultation services, speech therapist and dietician services and remote group activities.