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FSHS's phone service is currently experiencing a delay in the call back service. We will respond to your call back request as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the disruption.

Opening hours during summer 2020

All our service units are closed on Midsummer Eve, Friday the 19th of June, and from the 6th of July to until the 2nd of August 2020. On Monday the 3rd of August we are open from 10 am. However, there can be unit specific differences in the opening hours. Check your own FSHS service unit’s opening hours during summer.

Contact your local health care center when your service unit is closed. You can find the contact information for your local health care center through your own service units website.

Travel advice and prescription renewal

Our travel advice service will be closed until the 16th of August 2020.

Prescription renewal in My Kanta is closed from 1st of July to 2nd  of  August. You can’t renew your prescription in FSHS’s service units, when the units are closed.


Chat service in Self is closed from the 27th of June until the 2nd of August 2020.

The form for renewing contraceptive prescriptions as well as the contact form in Self are closed from the 1st of July 2020 until the 2nd of August 2020.

Other online forms

You can use e-service forms (request for patient documents rectification or  rectification of an invoice, contacting the patient ombudsman or person responsible for data protection) in our web pages during July, but mainly we will answer you in August.

The forms for requesting correction of an invoice will remain open between the 1st of July and 2nd of August. However, these forms will be handled from the 3rd of August 2020. You can find these forms from the invoice section of our website.

See you in August!

Please notice that you can use the FSHS’s services once you have paid your student union membership fee. The academic year ends on 31st of July 2020. Therefore, you should pay your student union membership fee before you use FSHS services in August. Bring a receipt with you of the payment in case you have an appointment with us in August. Read more about the right to use FSHS’s services.