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FSHS's phone service is currently experiencing a delay in the call back service. We will respond to your call back request as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the disruption.

Membership fee entitles you to use FSHS services

Please note that your student union membership fee must be paid before you can use FSHS services. The student union membership term ends on 31 July 2020 and a new membership term starts on 1 August 2020. Before you can use FSHS services or Self-service from 1 August, you have to pay the membership fee for the new membership term. Read more >

Information that you have paid your membership fee is transferred to the FSHS within a few days’ delay after the payment. If you have an in person appointment close to day of payment, be prepared to prove that your student union membership is valid through either a valid student card or with a receipt for paid student union membership fee or a certificate of student status from your university.

Are you coming on a remote consultation in August? Please note, that remote consultations are conducted through the Self-service which works only after you have paid your student unions membership fee. Note that the information about your payment is transferred with a delay to us. Therefore, try to log into the Self-service prior to your appointment. Call your own service units phone number for need for treatment assessment in order to make a reappointment in case you are unable to log into Self.