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FSHS reinforces a growing organization: Five regional directors to be responsible of leading and results

Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS) expands its organization from the turn of the year 2021 when the Act on health care for students in higher education enters into force from the 1st of January 2021. Our customer volumes will more than double as a result of this new act which will result in a growing service network.

From the 1st of January 2021 our service network will be divided into five service regions in accordance to the five special health care districts of Finland (erva-areas). Five regional directors, who are responsible of results, have been selected for these regions. They will commence their work primarily from the 1st of September 2020.

– As regional directors will begin five strong health care professionals who can begin their work before the expansion occurs. They will join us to build a growing and developing FSHS, says the executive director Katariina Poskiparta.

The regional directors are responsible of leading, developing as well as of results of the services produced at their own region of responsibility. They are membership of the foundation’s management and report directly to the executive director.

These are the regional directors

Tuomas Plosila

FSHS South’s regional director is Tuomas Plosila who is an ENT specialist. Before this new role Plosila acted as the Director of FSHS Helsinki-Espoo service unit. FSHS South (Helsinki, Uusimaa, Eastern Savonia, Päijänne Tavastia) serves roughly 94 000 students of higher education.

Anu Väänänen

FSHS East’s regional director is Anu Väänänen who is a Master of Economics. Before this new role Väänänen had a long career at Terveystalo where she acted as a development director before coming to the FSHS. She will begin in her new role on the 14th of September 2020. FSHS East (Northern Savonia, Southern Savonia, Eastern Savonia, Central Finland, Northern Karelia) serves roughly 46 000 students of higher education.

Maisa Kuusela

FSHS West’s regional director is Maisa Kuusela who has a PhD in Medicine. Before this new role Kuusela acted as the Director of FSHS Turku service unit. FSHS West (Finland Proper, Satakunta and Vaasa) serves roughly 45 000 students of higher education.

Anna Arola-Järvi

FSHS Central’s regional director is Anna Arola-Järvi who holds a Master of Social Sciences and is also a psychotherapist. She comes to the FSHS from Finland Proper Hospital District where she acted as a development director. FSHS Central (Pirkanmaa, Southern Bothnia, Tavastia Proper) serves roughly 38 000 students of higher education.

Vesa-Matti Matinolli

FSHS North’s regional director is Vesa-Matti Matinolli who is a specialist in general medicine. Before starting in his new role ha has acted as the lead physician of Tyrnävä municipality. FSHS North (Northern Bothnia, Kainuu, Lapland, West Bothnia) serves roughly 32 000 students of higher education.

Further information: Executive Director Katariina Poskiparta TN 046 710 1101