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FSHS oral health services in Tampere move to Hervanta

On 19 October 2020, FSHS oral health services in Tampere will move to Hervanta. The new, renovated premises are located in the old FSHS premises, which have been expanded to bring all oral health services under the same roof. The new premises will house, for instance, 16 oral health treatment rooms and facilities for dental imaging.

In future, the Hervanta service unit will only offer oral health appointments. Other services will continue to be available at the service unit on Kalevantie. The over the counter customer service which is connected to patient affairs related to oral health services will remain for now at the service unit which is located at Kalevantie.

Oral health services in Tampere from 19 October 2020

  • Oral health service guidance and booking
    on SelfChat or by phone, tel. 046 7101085
  • Oral health appointments
    Service unit in Hervanta, Korkeakoulunkatu 6 (TTY Konetalo), FI-33720 Tampere

Do you have an oral health appointment on or after 19 October?

For technical reasons, you may receive erroneous reminders until the beginning of 2021 saying that your oral health appointment will be at the service unit on Kalevantie. However, from 19 October onwards all oral health appointments will be at the service unit in Hervanta.

Hervanta 14.10.2020