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The committees of the FSHS include the FSHS Council, the Board of Trustees and Service Region’s Management Groups. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the operations of the FSHS. The person in charge of operative management is the Managing Director. The FSHS Management Team assists the Managing Director in managing operations. In addition, the regions have their own management teams.

Our activities are guided by the principles of good governance as well as general efficiency and financial requirements. As a foundation, our organisational model enables speedy decisions and therefore flexible adaptation to changes required by society. Unlike other private entities, a foundation does not have members, owners, shareholders or partners.

The FSHS Board of Trustees

The decision-making power and responsibility for the activities of the FSHS lie with the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is tasked with directing and developing activities and ensuring the appropriate organisation of activities and finances.

The Board of Trustees has a minimum of six and a maximum of 12 members whose mandate period is two calendar years. National Union of University Students in Finland and University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland have each the right to choose two members of the Board of Trustees. The personnel of the Finnish Student Health Services can select one member. In addition to these the delegation has the right to choose at most seven members for the board.

The Managing Director and members of senior management are appointed by the Board of Trustees. The Managing Director is responsible for the management of the FSHS as authorised by the Board of Trustees. The Managing Director also acts as a presenter of matters to the meetings of the Board of Trustees.

The FSHS Council

The Council has a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 30 members. Members of the Council are appointed for two calendar years at a time.

National Union of University Students in Finland has the right to appoint nine representatives of which seven are named from student unions which belong to the FSHS’s area of activity. University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland can also appoint nine members of which seven are appointed by the local student unions in affiliation to the universities of applied sciences. The Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, the personnel of FSHS, Universities Finland UNIFI, the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences can each name one representative to the Council.

The Council meets twice a year for its Spring and Autumn Meetings. The Spring Meeting discusses issues that include the annual report of the Board of Trustees and adopts the financial statements. The Autumn Meeting discusses about the budget and the action plan, appoints the Chair, Vice Chair, secretary and certain other members of the Council if necessary, and appoints the Chair, Vice Chair and other members of the Board of Trustees if necessary.

Service Region, Management Groups

The FSHS operates in five service regions and in each of them operates a regional management group appointed by the foundation’s Board of Trustees.  Information regarding the management groups can be found from the service unit’s websites.

The Management Group consists of a char and a vice chair as well as at least seven and at most eight members. They are tasked with monitoring their region and changes in their operating environment, health promotion and community health work. The management group decides on the opening and reduction of service units as well as other matters of regional significance. The management groups cooperate with local universities, universities of applied sciences, student unions, health authorities and other actors with significance to student health care.

Managing Director Katariina Poskiparta

CFO and CIO Satu Justander

Medical Director Teija Kulmala

HR Director Sanna Salonen

Regional Director Tuomas Plosila

Regional Director Piia Niemi

Regional Director Reetaleena Hietala 

Regional Director Anu Väänänen

Regional Director Juha Tiainen

  • Regional Director Reetaleena Hietala
  • Regional Medical Director Marjo Kuortti
  • Regional Medical Director for Mental Health Vivian Maunu
  • Regional Medical Director for Dentistry Henna Salmio
  • Head Nurse, FSHS Central Maare Ruokola
  • Head Nurse, FSHS Central Henna Halmila-Tarvainen
  • Head Nurse for Oral Health, FSHS Central Satu Mäkinen
  • Chief Psychologist Hannu Soronen, study comminity work representative for FSHS Central
  • Regional Director Anu Väänänen
  • Regional Medical Director
  • Regional Medical Director for Mental Health Raija Aittakumpu-Hydén
  • Regional Medical Director for Dentistry Pirkko Koskela
  • Head Nurse, FSHS East (Jyväskylä and Mikkeli) Arja Makkonen
  • Head Nurse, FSHS (Joensuu and Kuopio) Mervi Toivanen
  • Head Nurse for Oral Health, FSHS East Kirsi Hotta
  • Chief Psychologist Marika Niskanen, study comminity work representative for FSHS East
  • Regional Director Juha Tiainen
  • Regional Medical Director Satu Moilanen
  • Regional Medical Director for Mental Health Liisa Kemppainen
  • Regional Medical Director for Dentistry Viivi Alaraudanjoki
  • Head Nurse, FSHS North Sirpa Torvinen
  • Head Nurse, FSHS North Anu Hauta-aho
  • Head Nurse for Oral Health, FSHS North Päivi Pyykkönen
  • Psychologist in charge Laura Juntunen, study comminity work representative for FSHS North
  • Regional Director Tuomas Plosila
  • Regional Medical Director Pia Hukkanen
  • Regional Medical Director Johanna Stenqvist
  • Regional Medical Director for Mental Health Tarja-Sisko Saastamoinen
  • Regional Medical Director for Dentistry Teija Niinikoski
  • Regional Medical Director for Dentistry Petra Hyvönen                                                                                          
  • Head Nurse, FSHS South Jenni Wiro, study comminity work representative for FSHS South             
  • Head Nurse, FSHS South Carita Lappalainen
  • Head Nurse, FSHS South Johanna Eklundh, study comminity work representative for FSHS South
  • Head Nurse, FSHS South Nina Rautio
  • Head Nurse for Oral Health, FSHS South Anne Lampinen
  • Chief Psychologist Elina Luoma
  • Regional Director Piia Niemi
  • Regional Medical Director Leeni Mäkelä
  • Regional Chief for Mental Health Janne Sihvonen, study community work representative for FSHS West
  • Psychologist in charge Aija-Mari Maunula, study community work representative for FSHS West
  • Regional Medical Director for Dentistry Hannaleena Havia
  • Head Nurse, FSHS West Elisabeth Smedman
  • Head Nurse, FSHS West Katja Sajanti
  • Head Nurse for Oral Health, FSHS West Mervi Saarinen

Chair: Director Tuomo Yli-Huttula, Finanssiala ry

Vice Chair: Specialist Emmi Lehtinen, Teaching and Learning Services, University of Helsinki


Lawyer Janne Hälinen, OAJ

Head of Business Intelligence Antti Kähkönen, Finnish Net Solutions Oy

Senior Advisor Jussi-Pekka Rode, Finnish Education Employers

Specialist Turkka Sinisalo, Tela

Public Affairs Manager Iiris Niinikoski

Social Policy Expert Henri Kontkin, National Union of University Students in Finland SYL

Social Policy Expert Julia Ståhle, National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK

Public health nurse Satu Haapsaari, FSHS personnel

Member of Parliament Hilkka Kemppi

Vice chair
Kim Kujala, National Union of University Students in Finland


Anttila Oskari, the Student Union of the University of Vaasa

Baarman Nea-Bettina, Aalto University Student Union

Ikonen Mari, Universities Finland UNIFI

Korpunen Enni, The Student Union of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences

Koski Jouni, Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene

Kujansuu Elli, The University of the Arts Student Union

Laakso Laura, the Student Union of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

Leinonen Eetu, Student Union of University of Oulu

Lindgren Linda, Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta

Lundmark Suvituuli, National Union of University Students in Finland SYL

Löytänen Olivia, the Student Union of Diak University of Applied Sciences/ the Student Union of Humak University of Applied Sciences

Mantila Marita, YHES

Mettala Jessy, the Student Union of KAMK University of Applied Sciences

Niemi Eetu, Tampereen ylioppilaskunta TREY

Pääsukene Sonja, the Student Union of Centria University of Applied Sciences

Ruismäki Hannastiina, The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences/ the Student Union of Police University College

Salminen Mika, Finnish institute for health and welfare

Uusi-Kokko Elli, the Student Union of the University of Vaasa

Vierikko Joel, National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK

Vilhunen Hannamari, The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland

Viitaniemi Elina, National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK

Winberg Frida, Svenska Handelshögskolans Studentkår