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The Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey starts

The national Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (KOTT) produces comprehensive and regular data on the welfare of students. The results of the survey will be used to develop student health services.

Did you know this about xylitol?

Week 6 is Xylitol week in Finland. During this week we tell about xylitol and oral health on our webpages and at our social media channels.

Tuomo Yli-Huttula continues to preside the FSHS

Finnish Student Health Services council verified today on the 16th of December 2020 on its statutory autumn meeting its representatives on Positions of Trust for the foundations representative decision-making bodies for the period 2021–2022.

FSHS2021 Facebook-live!

Are you wondering about something regarding the coming student health care changes? Master the facts! Join our live Facebook-live event on the 10th of December 2020 at 2pm to 3pm.

Vaccinate yourself against influenza

Due to the exceptionally high demand for influenza vaccines there are nationwide problems concerning the availability of the vaccine, which are also affecting the FSHS.

Pilots for the new service model will start on 1 October

The two cornerstones of the new FSHS service model – the specially appointed team model and digital and remote services – will be piloted starting from 1 October. Piloting will continue until the end of the year.

Certificates and statements issued by FSHS

In accordance to the guide of student health care, the FSHS does not issue certificates and statements which are intended for voluntary exchange studies. An exception to this rule are students’ who are going for obligatory exchange studies.

Welcome to SelfChat!

SelfChat serve you with the need for treatment assessment, health counseling and service guidance.

Opening hours during summer 2020

All our service units are closed on Midsummer Eve, Friday the 19th of June, and from the 6th of July to until the 2nd of August 2020.

Opening times during May Day

All our service units are open on May Day eve (30th of April) from 8.00 am to 12.30 pm. The service units are closed during May Day (1st of May).

Positive and negative feedback

Thank you for your feedback! We received in 2019 more than 14 610 positive and critical remarks as well as development proposals.

Lunch together on FSHS Day

This year the FSHS-Day is held on Wednesday the 18th of March 2020 with the theme #LunchTogether and will be seen all across Finland at different university campuses.

Xylitol, xylitol!

The annual xylitol awareness week is held between the 3rd and 7th of February 2020. All our service units will participate in the xylitol week.

Spring semester started

Please note that spring term membership starts on 1 January and your student union membership fee must be paid before an FSHS appointment.

FSHS units are closed on Jan 6th

All our units are closed on Epiphany 6 Jan 2020. FSHS services will be available again after the public holiday, on Tuesday 7th Jan 2020.

Opening times during Christmas 2019

All our units are closed from 24 December 2019 to 1 January 2020. There are unit specific differences in the opening hours. Check the exact opening hours from your own unit’s page.

Influenza in the air!

It’s that time of year again when influenza viruses are beginning to be active. Vaccination is a good way to protect yourself against influenza.

Get light therapy at our units

Repeated depressive symptoms during the dark winter months from October to January may be a sign of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as the winter depression.

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