Exceptions in service channels for general and mental health until 21 July 2023
The SelfChat line for general and mental health services will be exceptionally closed between 3 July and 21 July 2023.
The SelfChat line for general and mental health services will be exceptionally closed between 3 July and 21 July 2023.
General and mental health services will be provided in Helsinki from 1 August 2023. Oral health services are already provided by FSHS Töölö.
Efforts will be made to reduce service backlogs that occur particularly at the start of each term.
All our own service units, SelfChat and our nationwide telephone services are closed on Midsummer Eve, Friday 23 June 2023. We will serve again on Monday 26 June 2023.
From Tuesday 30.5, all higher education students at Vaasa will receive all general health services at Wolffintie 27–31 and mental health services at Wolffintie 30. Oral health services will continue as usual at Wolffintie 30.
All our service units, SelfChat and our nationwide telephone services are closed on Ascension Day, Thursday 18 May 2023.
Kela, which is responsible for organising student healthcare, has approved the changes for 2023.
The Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) will receive a donation of mental health therapy services for university students from the Finnish RELEX Foundation and healthcare company Heltti.
With its constant flow of information the world today hardly helps when it comes to maintaining a long attention span. But you can train your brain and improve your concentration.
FSHS serves students throughout the summer. But summer service provisions are scaled to the estimated lower summertime service demand.