Check the opening times for Christmas and New Year
FSHS serves students on weekdays during the Christmas holidays. You can check the possible exceptions in opening hours in this article.
FSHS serves students on weekdays during the Christmas holidays. You can check the possible exceptions in opening hours in this article.
We will serve you normally on Thursday 7 December 2023.
Information about the Kanta Services is a notification of how client and patient data are used in health care services.
The amount of the healthcare fee for higher education students is specified in a Government decree, which is issued annually.
FSHS service units in seven towns will be relocated during the remainder of this year. Local services will then be provided at the FSHS’s own service unit in another town. In addition to local appointments, university students will be able to use the FSHS’s digital service channels as before.
Students using CallSign authentication codes activated after late September 2023 to access FSHS’ Self online services may experience difficulty signing in.
The FSHS has offered remote counselling for oral health since 2021. Oral health care is very procedure-oriented, but some counselling and self-care guidance can be provided as remote services.
The FSHS is to start collecting customer feedback after doctor’s appointments via SMS. The feedback will provide more information about customers’ views on the quality of our services and how they could be improved.
During this time, students won’t be able to order copies of paper-based patient documents that concern appointments in 1979–2000 mainly at Tampere, Seinäjoki and Hämeenlinna service units.
On 1 November 2023, FSHS service units in eight towns will be relocated. Services in these towns are provided by FSFS partners. The services concerned have been put out to tender and, as a result, will be offered at a new partner unit in the same town.