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Check FSHS´s opening hours during the summer season 2024. Read more

FSHS South


Services are produced by Pihlajalinna Kotka and Coronaria Hammasklinikka Kotka. Appointment via FSHS.

General and mental health services

Pihlajalinna Kotka
Visiting address: Koulukatu 21, 48100 Kotka
Location on map
Appointment via FSHS

Oral health services

Coronaria Hammasklinikka Kotka
Visiting address: Kotkankatu 16 B 42, 48100 Kotka
Location on map
Appointment via FSHS

Pihlajalinna and Coronaria Hammasklinikka Kotka’s services can only be used by those students’ whose study town is Kotka.

Treatment need assessments and appointments


Mon–Thu 8 am–3 pm, Fri 8 am–2 pm
General and mental health services 046 710 1073
Oral health services 046 710 1085


General and mental health
Mon–Fri at 9 am–11 am
Oral health
Mon–Fri at 9 am–11 am
Log in to the Self online service

Service forms in the online service Self

The Self online service contains various service forms that you can use to contact the FSHS, whenever or wherever you choose. Log in to the Self online service

Patient ombudsperson

See the contact information for the patient ombudsperson of your wellbeing services county.

Checking, rescheduling or cancelling appointments

FSHS´s own service unit: in the Self online service
A partner service unit: according to the service provider’s instructions 

Laboratory examinations

The service is produced by Pihlajalinna Kotka
Koulukatu 21, 48100 Kotka
Location on map

Appointments to laboratory examinations require a referral.

Imaging examinations

The service is produced by Pihlajalinna Kotka
Koulukatu 21, 48100 Kotka
Location on map

Appointments to imaging examinations require a referral. You can book an appointment from the service provider once you have received a referral.

Imaging examinations for oral health are conducted at the service unit which produces oral health services for this location.

Exceptional opening hours

FSHS´s own service units’ are open on New Year’s Eve, Maundy Thursday and 30 April between 8.00 and 12.30, if these days fall on a weekday.

Other local health care providers

  • Regional Director Tuomas Plosila
  • Regional Medical Director Pia Hukkanen
  • Regional Medical Director Johanna Stenqvist
  • Regional Medical Director for Mental Health Tarja-Sisko Saastamoinen
  • Regional Medical Director for Dentistry Teija Niinikoski
  • Regional Medical Director for Dentistry Petra Hyvönen                                                                                          
  • Head Nurse, FSHS South Jenni Wiro, study comminity work representative for FSHS South             
  • Head Nurse, FSHS South Carita Lappalainen
  • Head Nurse, FSHS South Johanna Eklundh, study comminity work representative for FSHS South
  • Head Nurse, FSHS South Nina Rautio
  • Head Nurse for Oral Health, FSHS South Anne Lampinen
  • Chief Psychologist Elina Luoma