FSHS services are available to you even after 1 Jan 2025, once you have registered as present for the spring semester at your higher education institution. Before contacting us, please note that enrollment information will be transferred to FSHS from higher education institutions with a delay of approximately 1–3 days.
For example using the Self online service and accessing remote appointments require that you are registered as an attending student and the information regarding your enrollment has been transferred to FSHS. Please try logging into the Self online service well in advance before the remote appointment. If you are unable to log in, please contact us by phone so that your appointment can be rescheduled.
Update your contact details
Make sure that your contact details are up-to-date in the Self online service, as the information is not automatically updated from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency or from other sources. Keeping your contact information current makes it much easier to use our services.
Cancel appointments reserved for the spring semester if you do not continue your studies
Please cancel any appointments reserved for the spring semester if you will not continue your studies during the spring semester and your right to use FSHS services ends with the conclusion of the autumn semester on 31 Dec 2024. Appointments will not be automatically canceled, so you must take care of the cancellation yourself to avoid a fee for unattended appointments.
- Check out more detailed instructions on how you can contact us
- Read more about the right to use FSHS services
- Charge for an unattended appointment
Pay the healthcare fee to Kela
Please also remember that the students in higher education should pay the healthcare fee to Kela for both the spring and autumn semesters unprompted.
Follow Kela’s website for the due dates and more detailed payment instructions for the spring semester. Kela has announced that the fee can now be paid in OmaKela.
All questions about the healthcare fee should be addressed directly to Kela, which is responsible for collecting the healthcare fee.